Digging Deep Part 2

3 years ago

Any builder will tell you that when you start building any house whether big or small, you need a good, solid foundation. Not having a solid foundation can cause all sorts of issues for a home, building, or even a high-rise building. A lot of thought goes into this and the same should be said when following Jesus Christ. As followers, we should be deeply rooted in the solid "Rock" (Jesus) so that when the storms of life come raging in, we can stand firm on our faith in Jesus and not be swept away. If our foundation is not deeply rooted in Jesus, we can expect the house (ourselves) to fall. In this sermon, pastor Kenneth Pack continues his sermon on the importance of having a solid foundation in our walk with Jesus.

Used to make this video - GIMP, Shotcut, Envato, Adobe After Effects, and Canon XA-11.
Photoshop - www.adobe.com
GIMP - https://www.gimp.org/
Shotcut - https://www.shotcut.org/
Envato Elements - https://elements.envato.com/

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