SN1128: Behind Enemy Lines, Navigating Poison & Probing The Dark | Factions Of Freedom

3 years ago

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It seems like crisis after crisis is what we’re being subjected to. Peaceful resolution, at this point, seems like a far-off dream or even a distant memory. The rules for this New World Order aren’t being writ large, instead, they’re being subversively installed, like a suppository of dynamite. Without us fully realizing the sophistication of the threats we face, we may be subjected to unspeakable transgressions.

The days of our once-great nations standing tall are behind us, and in its wake, leaving the stain of post-industrialism. The globalists at the helm of this nefarious and all-encompassing agenda advocate altruism, peace, safety and more when we all know it’s a sham. We are witnessing the purposeful erasure of the normalcy we once held dear and sacred, held hostage by these power-made bureaucrats unless we do their bidding.

With the Taliban taking the world stage and promising to fight climate change, we’re seeing how even so-called terrorists, radicals and extremists are capable of advancing the new world order’s agenda. While some may say the walls are closing in, I’d say it happened when Trump built the wall, but you’re only realizing it now. Our time is short, and our adversary grows strong, but we cannot let this dismay us, for as Thomas Paine once said, “Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”

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