Data Disaster: A Call for an Investigation Into the CDC’s Conduct During COVID-19

3 years ago

Take a stand:

Download the peer reviewed research paper highlighting the CDC's controversial conduct and learn more about the speakers here:

Tune in to learn:
Why we should be concerned about death certificate data.
Why accuracy, integrity and transparency are so important during a public health crisis.
How the CDC set the stage for widespread devastation — physical, psychological and economic.
What we can do so that incidents of this magnitude never happen again.



Sayer Ji (Moderator) – Author; Founder of GreenMedInfo; Co-founder, Stand for Health Freedom
Dr. Peter Breggin – World-renowned psychiatrist and medical ethicist
Mary Starrett – Chair, Board of Commissioners, Yamhill County, Oregon
Dr. David Martin – Founder and Chairman of M·CAM Inc.; Batten Fellow at the University of Virginia’s Darden Graduate School of Business Administration
Mark Thielman – Superintendent, Alsea School District (Oregon)
Ana Garner, Esq. – Attorney; Creator, Higher Path Solutions
Dennis Linthicum – Oregon State Senator
Dr. James Lyons-Weiler – Biomedical researcher; Scientific journal author; IPAK
Dr. Henry Ealy – Naturopath; Scientific journal author; Energetic Healing Institute

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