Common Redpoll Finch Acting Strange

3 years ago

Here is a video showing a common Redpoll I seen walking down a trail I ride my bike on next to the Buffalo Creek. I was cruising down the path and came upon him, I was able to stop just in time and not run him over! Usually, wildlife won't let you get that close. Something was off with this bird. He was walking sideways instead of in a straight line. He didn't try to run or fly away from me when I walked up to him. As you can see in the video, he also just pecked away at the ground as I recorded him. I figured it was best to let him be and continue my bike ride.
A little more about Redpoll finches.

"One of the winter finches, nesting in the Arctic and sometimes invading southern Canada and the northern states. Redpolls are tiny, restless birds, feeding actively on seeds among trees and weeds, fluttering and climbing about acrobatically, their flocks seemingly always on the move. For their small size, they have a remarkable ability to survive cold temperatures; their southward flights are sparked by temporary scarcity of food in the North, not by cold. At bird feeders in winter, redpolls are often remarkably tame."

I didn't see him on my way back home so I'm guessing he was OK. He wasn't dragging a wing like it was broken or hurt either. After doing some research, I learned the Common Redpoll Finch can be quite tame. So maybe that explains the what seems like odd behavior to me. Sometimes, you meet odd animals and think this guy was one of them! Thanks for watching and have a wonderful day!

Video: MikeL90
Information source:

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