Are There Zombies In The Bible?

3 years ago

Are there Zombies in the Bible?

Revelation 184/ Youtube

ARE THERE ZOMBIES IN THE BIBLE? In the above video, I explore the possibility that suffering people could be mistaken for Zombies. However, I would rather talk about meeting God in this world and not zombies. If you are a Christian, then you must already know your way to the cross. The following instruction is for those, who having tasted heaven, are seeking a real world experience with God. It takes faith in God's word and your willingness to seek Him, but he can be found. He has personally said that we can find him if we look; Proverbs 8:17. I don't believe that this was just a metaphor for a believer's faith. Remember, relationships are not one-sided. The following is for those who really want to find God in their lives: Just say, "Hello." Since it is God, who has been leading and teaching you, you can trust that he will also receive you, here, in this world. Only believe that He is, and he will reward you. If you want to know God better, then lift up your eyes to heaven and just say, "Hello." Take the time to make your acquaintance with him. Talk to him. Tell him your name. Tell him about your life and open your heart to him. He knows all these things about you, but I think that he would rather hear it, from you, personally. At first, it might seem awkward and you might think that what you are doing is foolish, but relationships take time. I can tell you from personal experience, that while you are spending time with God, the grace that radiates from his person will be subtly transforming you, your heart, and your soul into the likeness of his Son. His spirit reveals, to your soul, the value of mercy and kindness and empathy towards others. When you find yourself hungering for righteousness—pray for these qualities. For without them, your faith is but a house of cards and the slightest wind will blow your righteousness away. You will find that trouble reveals a saint and exposes a fraud. Within the Holy Scriptures, amongst all the do's and don'ts, lies the true spirit of the Gospel. Find him and all the do's and don'ts will become yea's and amen's. And worship? Wait till you find out what real worship is like. Seek him, and when you find a nugget of wonder, store it in your heart. When you see something wonderful in a sunset or the passing glow of a shooting star, gather it all into your heart. Then when you greet the Lord and you are moved to worship, your heart will be full of praise. It works! It is so much more satisfying to glorify God with examples than with mere words. Lastly, don't let superstitions or the weight of an oppressive religion weigh you down or cause you to hide from the one person, above all creation, that really and truly cares for you and is concerned for your welfare. Go with God and be at peace with him. Yr, servant in Christ Mike L.

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