Where Will You Spend Eternity?

3 years ago

Are you prepared to stand before God and receive judgment? Whether it is a reward or a punishment, are you prepared? Does it even matter? Can a soul feel? It doesn't have nerves, it doesn't have flesh, so can a soul feel pain? Luke 16 answers this question in great detail. Luke records the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. The two die, and their souls are sent to eternity. They both feel. They are both conscious of what's going on. They are both very aware of their surroundings, yet they are in two different types of eternity.
Jesus gave us a little taste of what punishment would feel like through these scriptures. He gave us a little snippet of eternity. We were shown both a paradise and a torment if given the choice, which would you choose? If you could choose where to spend eternity, which destination would you pick? Rev. Kenny Yates opens our eyes to the realization that eternity could start as soon as tomorrow. So are you ready? Watch the video below, and you decide for yourself where you will spend eternity!

Verses Used:
Romans 14:10,12
Hebrews 9:27b
Luke 16:19-31

Our Website: https://www.holdtohope.org/weekly-messages/where-will-you-spend-eternity/

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