Happy Dolphins and Happy People! Thousands of Happy Dolphins!

3 years ago

Happy Dolphins and Happy People!
How do you know when dolphins are happy to see you? It’s really obvious when you know them, and even if you don’t! Just watch. You know how it’s easy to see that your dog, or cat, or horse is happy to see you after you have been away? Well this is what it looks like when thousands of dolphins are happy to see you. And what it is like when people see happy dolphins. Do they look happy to you?

Spinner Dolphin Mega Pod in the Offshore Osa Marine Hot Spot, Costa Rica. The Offshore Osa Marine Hot Spot, Costa Rica, has been home to the largest dolphin pods ever filmed for decades, all year, every day. That’s just one reason why Offshore Osa is a marine hot spot like no other.
Shawn Larkin
Costa Cetacea Media

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