Can You Have Too Much Hydrogen? - Tae Talks Science: Ep. 8

3 years ago

In this week’s episode of Tae Talks Science, Tae helps us to understand how much hydrogen is too much hydrogen and how much hydrogen enriched water your body can actually handle.

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*Video Transcript*
"Welcome back to Tae Talks Science - the channel where we answer all of your most frequently asked questions. Today we are looking at the question 'Is it possible to have too much hydrogen? So to recap what we already know, Echo Antioxidant Water contains free flowing hydrogen gas running through it and we know that molecular hydrogen contains a wide range of incredible health benefits, but we also know the popular saying that too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. So will drinking too much hydrogen infused water result in there being too much hydrogen in your body? According to the CDC 170 to 300 parts per million of hydrogen gas is the absolute maximum concentration that can be endured for one hour without there being any serious health consequences. While it is hard to compare the straight inhalation of hydrogen gas to the solution of water which is the solvent and hydrogen gas which is the solute since there is a high quantity of reputable research behind hydrogen gas we are going to lean on that research. So how much hydrogen gas are you getting from Echo Antioxidant Water? To receive the full benefits of molecular hydrogen, you would need to be drinking water with around 0.5 parts per million of hydrogen gas - our machines are well over this offering 1.6 parts per million. In this water bottle there are 34 ounces of water so how many water bottles filled with echo water would you need to be drinking to reach the CDC's cautionary minimum of 170 parts of hydrogen gas per million? To get the equivalent of 170 parts per million of hydrogen you would need to be drinking around 1 million 273 408 ounces, which is around 9,948 gallons. This would be the approximate equivalent of drinking just a little less than a 10,000 gallon water tank, like this one, in just one hour - this would be the equivalent of drinking 37,454 bottles like this one. Now it is important to nurture that drinking too much water can result in hyponatremia - meaning that the concentration of sodium in your blood is abnormally low. This point of over hydration will certainly vary between individuals, but in general this may happen if you drink 17 liters of water in one day. So to recap, while Echo Water is over the minimum therapeutic parts per million giving you all the benefits of hydrogen infused water, it is more likely for you to drink too much water and experience over hydration than it is for you to get too much hydrogen gas from drinking echo water. As always if you are curious for more information on Echo Antioxidant Water, check out our other videos or click the link below. See you next time and remember stay curious."

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