Rheumatoid Arthritis and Hydrogen-rich Water

3 years ago

Rheumatoid arthritis is a terrible aspect of life that millions of people have to deal with. For most, it involves medications or alternative medicines. Many of these solutions have side effects which ultimately just mask the issue while providing other problems. However, there is a better solution! Drinking hydrogen enriched water has been shown to help fight arthritis at an effective rate!

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*Video Transcript*
"People asked 'is there any time where a high amount of hydrogen gas could have benefit?' The answer is through study, the only condition that I have read where a disease or a condition is dose dependent, in other words the amount of hydrogen is important, is rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis affects all the joints in the body because of the oxidative stress that's in the joint, so no matter how much hydrogen you get you're gonna have benefits the moment you start drinking the hydrogen water and over time it's going to clear this issue out, because there are Studies on rheumatoid arthritis showing that hydrogen affected the joints and the articulations and had a repairing effect - but in the study they did say that if during a day you got five parts per million, now this could be drinking three 16-ounce bottles within a three or four hour period, that each have one part per million, one and a half parts per million or drinking five per day, has a hydrogen does have a stacking effect with the benefits, it can affect your joints. But we don't want to get overly concern and get stressed out because we're not getting you know that five parts per million every second, that's really not important to the body - what we want to do is have a consistent source of hydrogen so that our body will begin having help in repairing itself and these articulations or joints can get better and better and better. Based on study, based on a study on rheumatoid arthritis particularly, we know that over time hydrogen benefited these individuals in helping the joints or articulations and after the washout period in the study, there was no reoccurrence of rheumatoid arthritis. So it's important for us to understand we don't need to get stressed out, we don't need to get overly stressed on how much hydrogen is in water, we just need to have a normal amount of hydrogen coming into our body 1, 2, 3 times a day, spread out during the day, intermittent exposure is always best but that doesn't mean once a day that means multiple times a day is perfectly fine spread out over time periods - kind of like you would eat three times a day and you would have hydrogen normally being produced through fermentation in your gut three times a day. So it makes sense that we would follow again follow nature, nature always knows best."

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