🌞 DAY OF DESTINY 🚀 Project Apario 🧟‍♀️ CONPLAN-8888 💬 New Majestic 12 Telegram posts

3 years ago

Channel video #112

I tried to cover as many Majestic 12 posts in this video as I could. It took long. See the links and other texts below. This was my fourth video now about the Majestic 12 Telegram posts.

August 22nd 2021 Majestic Messages of Disclosure

Part 1 - https://steemit.com/mj12/@realmiketrimm/conplan-8888-majestic-message-of-disclosure-a-storm-is-about-to-make-landfall
Part 2 - https://steemit.com/mj12/@realmiketrimm/majestic-message-of-disclosure-part-2
Part 3 - https://steemit.com/mj12/@realmiketrimm/majestic-messages-of-disclosure-part-3-operation-warp-speed-future-proves-past-2019-pre-2020-disclosures
Part 4 - https://steemit.com/mj12/@realmiketrimm/when-mj12-was-q-d-majestic-message-of-disclosure-part-4
Part 5 - https://steemit.com/mj12/@realmiketrimm/majestic-messages-of-disclosure-part-5-julian-assange-vs-ccp-freeassange-intel-agencies-re-project-apario-warning-from-2018
Part 6 - https://steemit.com/mj12/@realmiketrimm/majestic-messages-of-disclosure-ancient-enemy-ancien-egypt-ancient-babylon-babylon-mind-control-babylon-sex-magick-part-6-66
Part 7 - https://steemit.com/mj12/@realmiketrimm/majestic-messages-of-disclosure-part-7

257 Posts in 4hr34 Minutes


Project Apario: https://projectapario.com/
Project Apario (Telegram): https://t.me/projectapario
A Raven Who Cares (Telegram): https://t.me/aravenschat
A Raven (YouTube): https://www.youtube.com/c/ARavenWhoCares/videos
Nikola Tesla 369 Manifestation (Project Apario group chat recording): https://youtu.be/FFs1VAR0VlM
CONPLAN-8888: http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2014/images/05/16/dod.zombie.apocalypse.plan.pdf

MEQ archive video 38: https://rumble.com/ve0bl9-meq-38-22-november-2019-news-flash-confirms-majestic-12s-twitter-account-.html
MEQ archive video 60: https://rumble.com/ve4gct-meq-65-12-august-2020-new-majestic-12-tweetsposts-july-august-together-we-w.html


*I believe I forgot to include one or two screenshots worth of posts in the video. The missing Majestic 12 posts are:*

This MJ12 operation has no involvement with Ingersoll Lockwood.

Project Apario has no involvement with Ingersoll Lockwood.

Your sources are wrong.
Be careful who you follow.

RedPill78 literally shuttered aloud and visibly twitched when he saw Andrei send him a Super Chat asking if he could have a chance to speak.
Who controls him?
Why is he prohibited from speaking with Andrei?
Like [J$]?
Like [RR]?
Like Many Many Others.


For more links mentioned in the video, and all of the Majestic 12 posts, you need to join the Majestic 12 Telegram channel itself (linked at the very bottom). There is also my Majestic 12 Telegram archive on MEGA (below as well) where you can see most of the other posts.

Unknown names:
OV=VO; JM=MJ; CCCP = China or Russia; SF = Space Force?; TMCS; MG; TF; MC; DN.

UPDATE - I managed to find the meaning to most of the names with the help of the typist as well as user comments to my new video (across 3 platforms):

OV = Operation Valkerie
JM = John McAfee
MC = Marcus Cohen
TMCS = The Marcus Cohen Show
DN; Charlie = DJ Nicke

AS = Austin Steinbart; Adam Schiff
CCCP pronounced 'SSSR' = Former USSR (communist regime)

XXX = possibly 666, mark of the Beast? (24 24 24 in numerology)
[Ohio]ge[Zye]E[MAS] = ‘Good Morning (please)’ in Japanese

My channel’s accounts
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/MAJICEYESQNLY
Bitchute (+ archive): https://www.bitchute.com/channel/majic_eyes_qnly/
Odysee: https://odysee.com/@MAJICEYESQNLY:1
Rumble #2 (archive): https://rumble.com/c/MAJICEYESQNLYARCHIVE
Twitter #2 (RIP #1): https://twitter.com/MAJIC_EARS_QNLY
Telegram: https://t.me/MAJICEYESQNLYchannel
MEGA: https://mega.nz/folder/Fo8wxQxR#1a1_st2SLrzfvnxLN1u_LQ

Majestic 12 Twitter archives: https://mega.nz/folder/lxsnyQJI#rf1kwDCK-u4teOFVlFChJg
Majestic 12 Telegram archives: https://mega.nz/folder/QotWELiB#5WlwznrHit7-0-Ps9qFkOQ

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