IMPEACH Joe Biden & Kamala Harris now if US citizens are left behind to Afghan Taliban terrorists.

3 years ago

BREAKING: Biden cut a deal with Red China. It's strait up US/Afghanistan Military Treason. We the people demand the IMPEACHMENT of BIDEN & HARRIS the swift COURT MARTIAL of General Mark Milley & other incompetent treasonous Biden brass and the safe EVACUATION our citizens safely now! Many have already been taken hostage. Our corrupt DOJ just stopped a Franklin Graham, Samaritan's Purse mercy mission flight & removed 150 Afghan Christians and missionary staff from the plane! America is a Marxist regime!
We've all seen this bad movie before. Afghanistan has now become another Mosul - another mass arming of Islamic terrorists by Washington D.C.- an intentional turnover of billions of dollars of munitions, armored vehicles, high tech drones & US aircraft that can now be copied, reverse engineered by the CCP (our mortal enemies) & used against the freedom fighters of the Northern Alliance now led by pro western, peace loving war lord Ahmed Masoud & Amrullah Saleh.
Worst of all, the deliberate strategy of withdrawing our troops with little warning & leaving our American citizens, friends and allies behind monstrous, Taliban enemy lines is in itself, a brutal act of treachery by a US President, his VP and military advisers. Never in US history have we seen such treason against the US Constitution & the safety of our national sovereignty by these insidious evil forces working from within our government.

As of 8/24/21 many high ranking brass in the US & Allied military are not only calling for Biden's impeachment, but for his Court Martial at Fort Leavenworth. Joe Biden & laugher ANTIFA Queen Kamala , have with malice, done this infernal injury to our troops, our citizens & our strategic allies.
But the debacle in Afghanistan is more than another inglorious globalist distraction of the West - it is one of a series of planned events trying to avert America's eyes away from President Xi & the CCP plan to attack & absorb Taiwan with all of its high tech proprietary Nano chip technologies. Afghanistan just happens to be another toy in the playpen of the Globalist -Socialist New World Order - determined to destroy our national sovereignty & bring us all closer to One World, tyrannical governance pressed upon a depopulated humanity by a new, technologically advance surveillance-security state.
Right now, the most visceral & urgent concern is for our innocent civilians caught behind enemy lines. The Taliban are serial rapists, drug lords, human sex traffickers & heroine-opioid runners of the highest order & a tool for CCP China to (with the help of this treacherous Biden Administration) further vitiate our vital southern border with drugs & terrorism. CCP China will no doubt lay claim to Afghanistan's rare earth & Lithium mines as well as encourage the use of its vast mountainous lands as a bastion for anti-American jihadists. Al Qaeda & ISIS fighters have already assimilated into the Taliban Islamic State. Thanks to Biden & Harris, they will be far better armed & lethal than ever before.

Good folks, this is HIGH CRIMES & TREASON against the American people. Call the White House today, 1-202-456-1111 & tell Trader Joe you don't care about his August 31st deadline to get US forces out. Our American military has taken a solemn oath to defend our US Constitution and to leave NO AMERICAN BEHIND.

And let us neve forget our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ. Good Shepherd News & InspoNews is now working with 3 different bona fide Christian relief missionary organizations to air evacuate out of harms ways thousands of innocents out of harms ways. Many have already been executed or marked for death or the sex slave markets etc. This malevolent, diabolical policy of aiding and abetting our mortal enemies by the corrupt Biden Administration must stop NOW!

Our prayers are with our hostage citizens & our allies and friends.

God's blessings to all from the Good Shepherd News Channel.

Ephesians 3:20-21

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