THE HOLY SPIRIT part 9.2 | 08/25/2021

3 years ago

Lesson begins around 22:00

What is the gift of Tongues? Is it Biblical? If so, how should the gift be exercised?

False prophets use counterfeit tongues to lead astray God's children. Will we be strong enough to resist the temptations to come? Will we compromise our faith?

Be not deceived during these last days. Prophets speak with lying tongues. Our society is rapidly unraveling. We see end times prophesy infrastructures lining up through forced medical practices and medical passports.

Authoritarians will exclude from society those who hold fast to true Godly faith. It's already happening in cities like New York and New Orleans and yes, even Israel. "Pastors" lead their flocks away from the truth to applause.

What did you think the last days would look like?

#calvarychapelmissionvalley #CalvaryChapel #HolySpirit #Church #GiftsoftheSpirit #tongues #prayer #FalseProphets #persecution #elpaso #prophesy #endtimesprophecy

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