Crusty Barnacles

3 years ago

We meet a lot of people in our lives. Some people are amazing and they are instant friends, kindred spirits. But, some people you meet are like are crusty barnacles. Oh, this is so hard, when you meet people, people who can be so much like crusty barnacles! Opinionated, mean spirited, grouchy people, ugly in personality, doing everything possible to push you away from them. Oh, how we would love to do that, not engage with crusty barnacles and do everything we can to avoid them, staying as far away from them as possible, so we don’t get scraped up by them. But, sometimes God puts “crusty barnacles” in our life path. Then what? We could love them unconditionally, we could be willing to try to be friends with them, even if it means we get scraped up a bit as we try to get to know them. Even old crusty barnacles will one day see the light from the love of God we share and they will change, and even could become a really good friendship for us. Why knew?? A Crusty Barnacle could be a divine appointment from God to make a good friend! It is like this, wounded people, wound people, but if no one ever tries to love them like Jesus did, as He loved us like He had not even been hurt by us, then no one would be healed or made whole. Love people with the love of God, patiently endure with them, forbear and keep showing them love. It matters. God bless ya! Dig Deeper

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