Will Francis Retire in September?

3 years ago

Will Francis Retire in September?

Tim discusses and analyzes the Rome-wide gossip to the effect that Francis will shortly promulgate an Apostolic Constitution abrogating the “emeritus” status of Pope Benedict XVI. He also reports and analyzes the “juicier” predictions and connections made by Vatacanistas John Allen, Antonio Socci, and Maria Antonietta Calabro: viz. that such an Apostolic Constitution would indicate an “August surprise,” pointing to a September retirement by Pope Francis himself.

Article cited: https://insidethevatican.com/news/newsflash/letter-92-2021-monday-august-23-calabro/?oursiteslct=http://insidethevatican.com

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CATHOLIC REPUBLIC (2019): https://www.amazon.com/Catholic-Republic-America-Perish-Without/dp/1622828364
RULES FOR RETROGRADES (2020): https://www.amazon.com/Rules-Retrogrades-Tactics-Defeat-Radical/dp/1505115930/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=rules+for+retrogrades&qid=1580355947&sr=8-1

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