The Echo H2 Machine™ | Hydrogen Water Machine

3 years ago

The Echo H2 Machine™ offers a great option for those wanting hydrogen water in their lives. Through either an under or over-counter option, this hydrogen water machine can provide you and yours with all of the health benefits needed to reach your full potential. Drinking hydrogen water not only offers increased hydration compared to conventional water, but it also provides reduced oxidative stress, improved cognitive function, and better gut health. All of this is offered in addition to the included filtration and electrolysis of water.

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*Video Transcript*
"I developed the Echo H2 Machine to be a machine that you could use to fill up large containers, small containers. It makes pure hydrogen water, in fact it has a proprietary way in which it makes hydrogen and dissolves the hydrogen different from any other hydrogen machine in the world. All other products that developed hydrogen gas or made hydrogen gas and dissolved them, the electrodes were in contact with the water that you're drinking. In the Echo H2 Machine we focused on wanting to have purity of water and purity of hydrogen gas and so the electrodes are not in contact with the water that you're actually drinking. The electrodes are producing hydrogen gas and then that hydrogen gas is put into a second stream of water that then is dissolved through a venturi circuit or a dissolving chamber. We did this purely to have the purest hydrogen gas and the purest water going through the machine. Now we start the journey of the water in this machine with filtration, we remove glyphosate, we remove pesticides, we remove heavy metals, we remove chlorine, chloramines, we have a separate filter that removes fluoride, we're removing the vocs, we're removing all of these things that you would never want to take into your body through water. And so after that filtration we go through the hydrogen module that I just discussed, and then as a final step in the machine we have the synergy resonance device - this device adds frequencies into the water, you choose what organ or what issue you want frequencies to go help, and there's no other machine in the world that has the combination of excellent filtration, hydrogen production and dissolving, and then the synergy resonance, which is adding frequencies into your water. And the beautiful part about the synergy resonance technology is the fact that you can choose anytime you wish through a phone or a tablet or a computer connection, you can choose what frequency or what organ you want frequencies going to in your body, and you can change it anytime you want 90 seconds later that's what is in the water coming out of the machine. The other thing this machine can be countertop or under sink. We have a dedicated faucet - the Echo Faucet for the Echo H2 Machine has to be used to allow this machine to be used under sink, you can connect it to tap water, well water, reverse osmosis systems, or other filtration systems that you have in your home. There is a filter counter on the machine letting you know when it's time to replace the filter. It does come in multiple languages and it's very very simple to use. If you have children and you have it on the countertop, there's simply a on and off knob that you turn the machine on and off. If you have the under sink set up, then you have a faucet and you just turn the lever arm to turn the water on. Extremely simple to use machine. Now one thing that's nice about this machine, even if you lose power in your home water will still flow through the machine to give you filtered water and if you have the synergy resonance technology to put frequencies in your water turned on and use using that you'll also have the frequencies in the water, even if you've lost power in your home. The only thing the machine will not do when you have loss of power is hydrogen production because that requires electricity. It is a very versatile machine, it comes with a five-year warranty bumper-to-bumper parts, labor and return shipping. It is an amazing machine that can bless your household and bless anyone that is wanting to have reduced oxidative stress inflammation and increased cognitive function."

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