EMF Radiation Protection With the Qi Shield™

3 years ago

Synergy Science™ is proud to provide our customers with our Qi Shield™! This device is our best-selling EMF protection device, as it is affordable and portable for any situation. Simply take the Qi Shield™ wherever you go and begin living a life free from the dangers of 3G, 4G, 5G, and even 6G radiation! The field of protection offered is roughly about the size of a singular room.

If you would like to learn more about the Qi Shield, please click the link below ► https://www.synergyscience.com/shop/waveguard-emf-protection/qi-shield-emf-protection

*Video Transcript*
"The Qi Shield is an awesome product for travel. If you're on a plane what's nice about it is it makes a nice field size, you have enough of a field size where you could leave it in the overhead compartment, in a backpack or other you know case or something and still be protected sitting down in your seat on the plane. When you're traveling in a vehicle of course it covers the entire vehicle, especially if you have a Tesla you really need the Qi Shield. It can fit right into a cup holder so it's easy to take in the car with you it's easy to have in the environment. What's nice about the Qi Shield is it's always on, it's designed to be mobile, it's going with you, it's completely protecting you against 5G and even in future if there's 6G, it will go with the technology and it can handle that. It creates a nice field, it's only about 1.7 pounds, it's not too bad, but it will be difficult to take in a purse if you're trying to carry in a purse because it's going to add almost two pounds. But it is an amazing device that will protect roughly ten by ten area or maybe 15 by 15 area - this is what is great about it, but the weight is a little more than the Qi Me. So if you have a small tiny house or an apartment, or you want to have something in your office at work, the Qi Shield is perfect to have on your desk or to take with you wherever you're going. That's what I like about the Qi Shield is the easy ability to take it in a backpack, take it traveling with you and you don't have to have it right on your person, you can have it in your area because it does create a torus field and it will protect around 200 square feet - excellent excellent product. When you're traveling going through an airport make sure that you take it out show the screeners and say hey this is to protect me against Wi-Fi or cellular radiation and put it in the little tray and run it through X-ray. I've traveled with it all over the world and never had a single problem with it. So enjoy all your surroundings with the key shield, take it with you wherever you go, put it on your nightstand when you're in a hotel room, basically it provides you protection everywhere you go and everywhere you travel."

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