3 years ago

Ask yourself this question: WHEN ARE WE GOING TO GET OUR COUNTRY BACK? Frankly, I have been waiting to long, and tired of waiting like the rest of you, but force myself to believe the rhetoric about Trump coming back to save us and the world while he supports the number one issue of Vaccines, I'm sure soon we will hear the excuse of why he is doing this, and "TRUST THE PLAN", Could it be that all this is just another sporting event or Hollywood movie to distract us for what is really happening behind closed doors, they are using the old adage (Divide And Conquer) It's working well, we have been debating/arguing with each other for years, we have not been more divided than now! people who were friends/family now will not respect each other nor communicate with each other, is this our future? what are we teaching our children? Will they have a future? Am I just another wacked out conspiracy theorist taking this literally? Maybe so.

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