Dr Sean Brooks at SW Ohio School Board Meeting: Getting the Vaccine Will Cause your Death

3 years ago



The man speaking is apparently Dr. Shawn Brooks, PhD., Oxford. He is addressing an Ohio School Board Meeting. Following is the transcript of the video:

My name's Dr. Shawn Brooks, PhD, um, Oxford. I have 48 publications including 23 books. I've studied health, medicine, anatomy and physiology for approximately 21 years.

Dr. Robert Malone who created the messenger RNA vaccine has said no one should ever take these jabs, ever, under any circumstance whatsoever. He created it, and he says don't ever do it.

So let me explain what's going to happen to the people who have taken it. The people who have taken it are going to die in the next 6 months to 3 to 5 years, for 3 reasons. Number one: you've dramatically decreased your own immune system by 35%. The first jab did it by at least 15, the second did it by 35, now. If you take any booster shot you will die. That's it. You take a flu shot in the future, you will die.

The second reason: antibody dependent enhancement. Antibody dependent enhancement is what's happening with these jabs with everybody who's taken them, unless of course you've taken a placebo, but there's no way to even know that. So given that fact, antibody dependent enhancement tricks the entire body into believing that the cell that's eating the pathogen is eating it when it isn't. It ends up leading to what's called a cytokine storm which causes organ failure. That will cause your death and there's no stopping that. No amount of drugs will stop that.

The third thing: blood clotting. Everyone who has taken the jabs is blood clotting. If you don't believe me, there's a way you can find out. Take what's called the d-dimer test. What that does, is that detects blood clotting at the microscopic level. They're cutting full blood clots out of people right now, as i'm talking to you.

Millions have died from the jabs. In your last meeting you advocated for people to take the jabs, potentially, in the future, along with wearing masks, and i heard parents say the same thing. So to the parents, who are actually considering jabbing their own children, you're going to sterilize them permanently. People who have taken the jabs are sterilized. 80 percent of women who have been jabbed have lost their children in the first trimester. You can't have kids.

You've also injected yourself with the equivalent of HIV. You can no longer breast feed, donate blood, donate organs, donate blood plasma, nor bone marrow. If you don't believe me, try to donate blood plasma and find out what happens. You will be denied, unless of course you live in California, in which case they're allowing people to donate toxic blood with spike proteins in it.

The jabs create spike proteins, they're in the jabs themselves, and they create it by snapping your RNA in half. You're no longer a human, anymore. You're something else. And you are susceptible to countless diseases.

Now here's what's going to happen in the future very quickly. I don't know what percentage of your staff has taken the jabs, but your school is going to close. You will not stay open. You will close because they will fall ill and they will die. That will happen in all of your buildings. It's already happening. Good luck. There's nothing that can stop this [inaudible].

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