The Glory of God | Pastor Phillip H Jackson | Grace Christian Center

3 years ago

The Glory of God | Pastor Phillip H Jackson | Grace Christian Center

God’s original intent was for man to speak with the Glory of God behind his words.

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The things we don’t see are here. They are more important than the things we see.
Because God so loved the world, we are suppose to be changing the world.

God can speak our future in our spirit in the blink of an eye.

The physical is subject to the spiritual all the time.

The major loss is when Adam disobeyed God and lost the Glory of God. It was God’s Glory that gave Adam the authority to function in the earth. God’s Glory caused every word that Adam spoke to be obeyed by the world. Adam was never to work with his hands but to work with his words.

God placed Adam on the earth as the governor to command the world and tell it what to do.

We have authority on the earth but God is the owner.

God’s original intent was for man to speak with the Glory of God behind his words.

Jesus came to the earth with the Glory of God so man can now see how to live upon the earth.

Death and life are in the power of the tongue. We have the authority to control everything that pertains to our life.

Everything in our life should be held to these standards. We either give it the right to live or we give it the command to die.

Because of the Glory of God in our life, a lot of what we pray about should be spoken to by us.

We should have more knowledge of the Glory of God.

We are changed from Glory to Glory.

The Body of Christ is in a special position in the earth. We are the spiritual Body of Christ that God is preparing for Christ all over the earth.

Jesus has returned the Glory to the Body of Christ and it’s time for the Body of Christ to exercise that authority on the earth now and command it to live or command it to die, command it to go up or command it to go down.

We should call sickness and disease dead. It has no right in our body.
Every time there is a miracle, it is from the Glory of God. Whenever God intervenes, it’s the Glory of God.

The Glory of God works in the financial realm also.

The same Glory that Adam lost, Jesus has given back.

We are to travel in our life from Glory to Glory.

The Glory is here to support every word that we speak.

The unseen realm has more authority than the seen realm and we have to start entering into that authority by what we say.

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