3 years ago


I participated in a recent workplace zoom meeting where I heard a very disturbing thing.

The discussion turned to the fact that certain staff are unable to travel to the office due to “lockdowns” and one of our senior staff remarked “because you’re not essential”.

While I’m sure that no malice was meant, I took great offense and it really shone a spotlight on the whole issue of the government declaring certain people “essential” workers.

Let’s be clear: classifying people as “essential” or “nonessential” is sinister and is one step away from labelling people as “subhuman” - the “untermenschen” to use the German word as used in the 1930s and WW2 to justify all sorts of crimes.

It’s as good as declaring people inferior, which is basically a new age version of gross discrimination and bigotry, of saying you are worthless. Let’s be clearer: it is one step away from segregation, eugenics, a medical apartheid, and even genocide.

It also clears the way for further labelling and discriminations - such as the “vaccinated” and “unvaccinated”. The same applies to the racial divisions being generated by leftist movements in the US.

This is all part of the planned balkanisation and collapse of society: label and separate everyone, turn people against each other, cause tensions, conflicts and civil war.

With forced vaccinations causing death and injury, “vaccine passports”, and discrimination against the unvaccinated, you can see how talk of apartheid and genocide is not fanciful.*

Firstly, one must realise why “essential” workers are required. It is to keep cities ticking over and sufficiently serviced so the brainwashed zombie slaves can keep living and working for the corporations.

You see they can’t kill everyone. The Globalist elites need worker slaves to run the factories, offices, call centres, shops, vaccination centres, “essential” services and to police the peasants - at least until robots, automation, driverless vehicles and AI take over.**

They also can’t kill too quickly lest their real agenda becomes too obvious and the population wakes up to it en masse.

The idea is to firstly weed out the weak with the initial Covid bioweapon - the elderly, sick and infirm. That’s why infected patients were stuck into nursing homes to slaughter the elderly. That’s why the elderly are being forcibly vaxxed without them even knowing what’s going on.***

Then slightly healthier people needing health care are targeted. That’s why normal hospital services are co-opted by “Covid protocols” designed to euthanize those testing “positive” with fake PCR tests. Other health services, like cancer screenings and surgeries, are closed down, leaving empty hospitals and staff with plenty of time to do Tik Tok videos.

Finally the young and healthiest specimens, those unlikely to need health care for years to come, are targeted with forced injections. Those with weak bodies unable to cope with the transhumanism process are wiped out and logged as more “Covid cases”.

The slaves whose bodies can handle the Covid gene therapies then begin the transhumanism process, are dumbed down (even more) and sterilized.

That’s partly how depopulation is carried out and how the new race of obedient, carefree humans are created to repopulate the world with.

The ultimate step is to target and eliminate those who defied the brainwashing and coercion and rejected the injection. We know these people as you and me - freedom fighters who saw through the lies and rejected the Globalist tyranny.

The “unvaxxed” freedom fighters are ever more harshly demonised, silenced, marginalised, criminalised and segregated.

The free minded are denied entry to more and more premises like shops, supermarkets, and restaurants - effectively denying them food to live. Your workplace will then require forced injections - denying you the right to a livelihood.

You are denied the right of freedom of movement. You are prevented from “enjoying the freedoms” life has to offer - if only you take the shot, those “freedoms” will be graciously granted back to you.

Of course, all this is the definition of terrorism - using threats and coercion to achieve an end. It is also the definition of crimes against humanity - forcing medical treatments onto people against their will, and denying civil liberties.

Then you are slowly eliminated as “criminals”, “terrorists”, “extremists” and “enemies of the state” on bogus thought crime charges such as spreading “disinformation”, “extremist content”, “hate crimes” and the like.

Alternatively, you are declared to be endangering “public health” by refusing the injection and are segregated under house arrest or into concentration camps indefinitely, or simply force injected.

A cashless society and universal ID system linking your financial and medical records will be the final step. These totalitarian measures will identify and track you, deny you entry and travel, and deny you financial services to pay rent, bills and even to buy food.

If you are not arrested, sent to a concentration camp or forcibly injected, you can at the very least just go away and starve.

The ultimate goal is to have a population of slaves and serfs that is constantly vaxxed, have blind faith in the government and corporate media, and obediently follow orders and mandates.

It’s all actually a clever strategy - seeing whether someone has accepted the injection is probably the easiest way of identifying the enemy and threat to your system. It’s easier than trolling through your social media posts to see how you think.

*Remember back in early August when CNN shills called for the unvaxxed to be denied entry to supermarkets.
**This is a whole separate subject to discuss - you are being replaced and will no longer be necessary in the new communist collective hive order.
***Consider the very first man (William Shakespeare) vaxxed for Covid: he was 81 years old and had no idea what was happening. He died a few months later from an “unrelated illness”.

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