Reducing Leaders || Pastor Corey & Deacon Miguel

3 years ago

Clip Of "Despising The Holy Covenant"

You really need to start qualifying your involvement and relationships with people by determining if these folks are or are not yoked with you in your quest to live holy and set-apart! We absolutely can determine whether or not to allow unprofitable people in our lives based on being convicted toward a high level of set-apartness. This is death of self, and the ultimate choice of coming out of her. To the carnal mind it may look like you are without affection, concern for others, or even ability to empathize with where people are in their own lives. However, those who are spiritual are to be keen in discerning that truly this people indeed are excuse makers and indeed reject Yah in their heart. Tune in and measure yourselves against the word of life and see if you inwardly despise the covenant of Yah!


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814 E. Main #242
Gardner, Ks 66030

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Head Pastor Charles Dowell Jr.

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