US Navy Battle with UFOs

3 years ago

This is a strange case that The Drive reported at the end of March.In the summer of 2019, US Navy destroyers off the coast of California were harassed by two UFOs of unknown model and origin.
Two years later, despite investigations involving the FBI as well as top US Navy officials, no one knows what the flying objects were, what they wanted or where they came from - and it looks like the Navy Not only the United States
It was the documentary maker (and UFO enthusiast) Dave Beatty who first reported the collision between the Navy and these mysterious unidentified flying objects in June 2020.Using the American Right to Information mechanism, the Freedom of Information Act, Drive was then able to investigate the case ...
This is a video shot by one of the warships, you can see that they fired well at it and you can see the result in the pictures.
The aftershock is sending radiation to the hit ship. , (To this day is still classified as top secret). Thanks Edward and John!
We are not alone.

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