Have you ever felt stuck at a certain barrier?

3 years ago

Have you ever felt stuck at a certain barrier as if you are in a holding pattern of love, or money, or work satisfaction and nothing seems to move, no matter how much you learn, or how hard you try?

You have read everything, been everywhere tried everything yet you wake up to the same every day, the same inner scene, stuck in the same place and it makes you despair?

Loving yourself from within and outwards is what will change your life for the better, as well as those around you who might be drowning in their sorrows.

Self-love is freeing because it puts you in alignment with who you are and what you need to live a happy, healthy life.

Imagine looking into the mirror and telling yourself that you love every inch of you.

If you’re not comfortable with this, then imagine a loved one lovingly admiring you.

And if you have difficulty with this, imagine your Creator, the Divine lovingly approving of you.

We are born into ‘a fallen’ world full of tortured and twisted love.

Often before we are 8 or 9 years old, we are more comfortable with neglect or abuse, than to accept a compliment, receive kindness, or attention.

This is how we become very disconnected from our inner Core Self, and we begin life as an adult feeling like we don’t know ourselves very well at all.

We hide behind walls or personas that we have created because we mistakenly believe that we are not lovable if people saw our true selves.

Self-love is the journey back to being the best version of ourselves, so we can have a GREAT life.

The trouble is, nobody shows you the steps, how to do ‘self-love’.

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