The Enemy Within

3 years ago

I have viewed the current administration as Obama 2.0 since it's inception. HIs first term began with an assumption that the policeman at the university was a racist. Then after he makes his public comments and faces a bit of backlash he has a beer summit. If he didn't have issues in the first place none of that would have been required. He spent the rest of his time emulating that first failure. He was by far the most arrogant man I've ever had the disappointment of seeing on TV. When he put Joe Biden in charge of the withdrawal in the Mideast we got toe hear Obama refer to what was to become an Caliphate as a JV team. Then there was Benghazi where Obama unraveled the agreement we'd had with Gadaffi and got him killed. There were rumors of weapons smuggling to the ISIS fighters from us. Our media kept silent when Obama made the claim he'd had a scandal free 8 years. His was the most opaque administration any of us had seen since Clinton. What I find interesting is that Hillary when questioned in a hearing about Benghazi said "What does it matter at this point?" Just yesterday Biden said the same exact words in reference to his botched pullout where he leaves numerous Americans and allies stranded. He changed the date from May to later in the year to a time where the enemy would be able to regroup and did they ever. Isis and every other malcontent is present there. This is Biden's JV team moment. Some may see what has happened as a miscalculation. I do not! Elections have consequences. We the people must learn to ignore completely any news source that has lied to us and is unrepentant. If they can't confess what they got wrong they can't be trusted. We must be active politically and especially in our elections and those processes surrounding it.

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