LIVE SHOW! Rumble Review! Mel Gibson Movies Man Flix Month

3 years ago

#LIVESHOW #RumbleReview #MelGibson #BraveHeart #ThePatriot #Maverick #InsidetheBooth #podcast #Live #ManFlix #Masculinity #Month #GodBless #DreamingTabitha

Tonight we are rumbling on what is the Best Mel Gibson movie of the three Brave heart, The Patriot, and Maverick. and all these movies are man movies full of masculinity, and Father son Dynamics. these are great movies to watch and to be inspired with. These movies also have strong women Roles, what do they say? Behind a strong man is a stronger woman, a woman. so come and Join us as we talk about these great movies that changed the way movies were filmed.

we also will have a small inter-review with the Great Dreaming Tabitha so dont forget to subscribe to he channel
and follow her on twitter

and don't forget to check out our merch store

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