3 years ago


That is not hyperbole or exaggeration.

A few weeks back we said that people around the world were laughing at Australia. Well they stopped laughing and started shaking their heads.

Now they are absolutely quaking in their boots and down right scared at what they are seeing lest this astonishing tyrannical madness spread to their country.

Australia will soon be used as a model for other countries in how to enslave an entire population and get them coerced - in fact terrorised - into getting an injection against their will.

I urge all freedom loving people overseas, in Europe and the US, to keep resisting the Globalist tyranny and their evil agenda - To keep fighting for your freedom.

A global resistance must be formed against the Satanic force that is destroying freedom, free speech, freedom of travel and even freedom over our own bodies.

I know that millions overseas are waking up and resisting. However, I fear that Australia, the so-called “lucky country” with no Bill of Rights and full of brainwashed zombies - is too far gone.

I hope I’m wrong, I know that there are many patriotic freedom fighters in this great country.

However, most people that I can see here - appear to be just following along like stupid sheep in a field being corralled by sheep dogs. In fact they are like sheep being led to the slaughter.

The insane tyranny we are suffering is never ending and appears to be getting worse day by day.

A few examples from the past few days may suffice.

A church with about 60 people, including children, was fined $30,000 for daring to congregate and pray.

Restaurant owners are being fined and arrested for daring to serve food to the public and trying to make a living.

Dogs in a country town were recently shot when animal rescuers were denied entry due to bogus fears of “Covid spread”.

Children are forced to wear unhealthy and useless masks which restricts oxygen and inhibits their development; they are denied schooling and are being forced through a mass injection concentration camp surrounded by police and into which parents are barred.

The psychological abuse and stress all this causes to our most vulnerable and impressionable can only be imagined.

Examples of the madness are too numerous to adequately mention here.

The entire population of Sydney - a city of 5 million people - is currently “locked down” under house arrest. They are effectively trapped in a huge prison camp - a veritable gulag.

The police and army are patrolling the streets, arresting people and issuing fines.

We cannot travel more than 5km, which includes going to the shops to buy food. Even the Palestinians, trapped in huge open air prisons, have more freedom of movement than we do.

Gazans for example can travel 41km from north to south - Sydneysiders like I said cannot travel 5km. Police are stopping and arresting people if they don’t have a good “reason” for being outside their homes. Apparently we can go outside to exercise - thankyou government.

“Travel permits” are required to travel from Sydney and into the surrounding countryside. “Travel permits” are required to travel within Sydney itself if you are leaving a so-called “area of concern” with high “Covid cases”

I’ve spoken about these fake “Covid cases” before. They are either fake “positive” cases from a fake PCR test, or cases from new strains of Covid that are infecting vaccinated people because the current “vaccines” are all obsolete to new strains.

In fact, evidence shows that new “Covid cases” are actually caused by the vaccines themselves and are actually vaccine injuries and side effects. Evidence also shows that the vaccination program itself is forcing the virus to mutate into new strains.

The “vaccines” themselves are not real, they are experimental gene therapies that have not been tested properly and are known to be high risk and unsafe. That’s why they are illegal to force onto people as it breaches the Nuremberg Codes and international human rights law which requires “informed consent” for all medical treatments.

In other words, forcing vaccines onto people amounts to war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Forced vaccinations and “vaccine passports” are fast on the way. Police are already stopping people all over Sydney and asking for “your papers please” - a heavy German accent would be the final authentic touch.

We are told to avoid any form of contact, even with friends, family and neighbours - lest we become “murderers”, in the words of our government.

Everyone, including children as I’ve already mentioned, are forced to wear useless masks, or what have been called face diapers, or mask-burkas, at all times, whenever they leave their home.

You have to muzzle up not only when entering shops, but even when walking down the street in the fresh air and sunshine where pathogens are killed.

There is no real science that shows masks do anything - they are merely a sign of subservience, of dominance, to a mass Cult - a Covid Cult. Masks are merely a sign of power, that they can get the sheeple to follow the most ridiculous of orders.

If we can willingly take an injection, muzzle up with a mask, and stand on dots 1.5m apart, the tyrants know they can do anything to us.

The police have become a brainwashed Gestapo-like force of brain dead stormtroopers blindly following illegal orders.

They are dutifully marching around like heroes in their masks arresting and fining people for non-crimes, for merely living their lives like walking or driving around, operating shops, congregating in churches and earning a living.

They are on horseback crushing protestors - people who just want to be free - then laughingly charging people with “animal cruelty” if they dare push back.

The only animal cruelty going on is the police using horses in the first place - they should be set free in a paddock. Or the abuse of an entire population of animals (us), or the dogs I mentioned earlier that were killed.

In fact, the police need to be careful as the Nuremberg Codes have already ruled that “following orders” is not a defence against committing crimes against humanity.

And that is exactly what is occurring by forced injections and denial of basic inherent human rights such as: free speech, freedom of movement, freedom to gather and peacefully protest, freedom of thought and opinions, and freedom of religion, whether it be in public or private, and control over our own bodies.

The police in fact have a duty to disobey unlawful orders and join the resistance lest they be guilty of breaching these international laws, including the Nuremberg Codes.

All these human rights are guaranteed by international and common law and cannot under any circumstances be abrogated by illegal government laws, regulations or so-called “mandates”.

Our human rights are guaranteed, inherent and inalienable and cannot be taken away and therefore cannot be graciously granted back to us once we surrender to unacceptable government demands like mandatory vaccinations.

Furthermore, surrendering to government demands under threats or coercion is, by definition, terrorism. So the government and police is not just guilty of crimes against humanity, but also of terrorism and oppression against the people.

Our health care system, education system and police - once three great pillars of society - are being subverted and corrupted to destroy our health, dumb us down and enforce the draconian regime against our will.

The peasants are meant to shut up, take your injection, show your papers to prove you're a good little slave, wear a muzzle mask, and if you dare speak out, you are labelled as spreading “disinformation” and “cancelled”.

Such extreme censorship of opposing views and opinions is of course the very definition of fascism.

Soon we will be declared “terrorists” - by the police powers created after 911 - to simply eliminate any dissent against the system.

Of course it is all enabled by a sycophantic Corporate Media that is merely passing on the lies and propaganda of the Globalists and their puppet politicians.

And finally, it is all planned, controlled and implemented by evil Globalists desperate to launch their “great reset” where they will “build back better” an authoritarian one world government based on communist principles.

You can only “reset” and “build back better” something that has been destroyed.

So we have to ask ourselves, what are they destroying? They are destroying our freedoms, free speech and free will. They are destroying our way of life, collapsing the economy and eliminating private property.

In the worst case, they are destroying and tearing down our very existence, culture and history - global depopulation and destruction of the economy in order to solve fake “climate change” and herald in a new dystopian future of obedient, carefree slaves who own nothing and simply serve the state and corporations.

They are literally trying to turn us into dumbed down slaves, just smart enough to follow orders but too stupid to think for ourselves or question authority. They want us broke, unhealthy and dumb which will leave us at the mercy of government “services” and Big Government.

I say I want my life as it was - with freedom and dignity, control over my future and body - I don’t want to be destroyed, turned into a slave and “built back” into the sick, depraved image and society the Globalists envisage for us.

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