MEERKAT * | Animals For Kids | All Things Animal TV

3 years ago


Meerkats are small squirrel sized critters that come from the mongoose family.

Cute furry little Meerkats have pointy brown noses,

stripy backs,

a long thin tail to help with standing,

and dark brown patches around their binocular vision eyes!

Meerkats forage for a variety of food each day.

Scratching around in the sand they look for…

insects like - beetles, spiders and scorpions, or small reptiles, birds, eggs and fruit!

Living in large family groups of up to 40, called Mobs or Gangs,

they have amazing teamwork.

While the mob forages, some of the Meerkats called Sentries keep a lookout for the others.

They stand tall while their heads dart around searching for predators.

The sentries let out a loud squeal if they see something and everyone runs to the safety of the burrow.

Meerkats’ burrows contain lots of entrances, tunnels and rooms.

Inside the burrow babysitters take turns looking after young Meerkats called Pups.

Meerkats use the large curved claws on their fingers to dig their elaborate homes.

Did you know Meerkats worked so well together as a team?

I bet you can do the same with your family and friends!

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