Not A Quitter

3 years ago

Am I one who quits or gives up in the face of difficulties; one who has not the courage or determination to finish what I started? Life happens. Wave after wave, life flows into our experience. Our reality is not always perfect, but it is God purposeful. Wouldn’t you love to edit your life story? I would! But, would it really matter if I got everything I wanted, exactly how I wanted it? No. Because nothing is permanent or perfect here. Don’t Quit! Stop waiting for perfection and permanence! God is on the move, follow Him. Everything here is God purposeful, and this purpose leads us to a permanence of God character, as He changes us up. Maybe we need to wake up to the truth that no human being can make us happy. People are not enough; they can’t meet our needs. We were designed to need God, and we were shaped by God not to be quitters, but to grow through, to press forward, and keep trying to finish what we start. Not A Quitter! Like God’s character, we are wired to finish what we start, to continue growing and learning in Christ Jesus. It is not a good idea to seek permanence here on earth, it is just not possible. God is constantly remixing our lives with experiential challenges which have God purposes in play in them. In every challenge we face, the God purpose in it, is greater than the challenge itself. Don’t Quit! God is on the move finishing what He started in us. Thus and therefore, we don’t seek perfection here on earth, we pursue God. If we are looking for perfection here, we will not find it. Change it up to a Kingdom Permanence. We have a future and hope with Jesus, a permanence in perfection impassioned by God’s purposes. Joy is found in Jesus, He is simply-significantly our enough. Followship of Jesus, this is such a good decision, from every moment to every choice, we can choose to grow through with joy. I am not a quitter! I Shine Joy!

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