Its Serious Business when Andy Header joins us at the Revolution Wrestling Federation!

3 years ago

Its Serious Business when Andy Header exits the The Streets of Rage and join us at the Revolution Wrestling Federation studios and chat with RFW's lovely and beautiful Desiree Slays about what he has cooking for the Revolution Wrestling Federation event Resurgence Sunday August 29th 2021 in Harrisburg PA at Harrisburg Midtown Arts Center ! Make sure you go on line and get your tickets now!

- WHEN: Sunday August 29th 2021 Doors 6 PM / Show 7 PM
- WHERE: Harrisburg Midtown Arts Center, 1110 N 3rd St, Harrisburg, PA 17102
- COST?: First Row: SOLD OUT / $20 Second Row / $15 General Admission / $10 Kids ages 10 and under

#Resurgence #RevolutionWrestlingFederation #RWF #IamtheRevolution #wearetheRevolution #Therevolutionisnow #TheRedScorpion #DesireeSlays

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