Australia is no longer operating under Rule of Law

3 years ago

Australia is being run by fascists using thuggery. The MSM is not reporting on children murdered by the experimental mRNA project of depopulation and TGA is hiding information.

Kent Bradley Brown, ex-Police Officer is working with US patriots against the take over of Australia and the US by global communists. He has been corresponding with Captain Seth Keshel who is working with General Flynn and Steve Bannon to expose the fraud in the US 2020 election that put a Manchurian candidate into power. See
He alleges there has been corruption in our elections.

He also warns that some of the activist groups have been infiltrated by Federal ASIO spies. In fact some supposed grass roots activist groups were started by ASIO agents - entrapment is not illegal in Australia. Hence our Govt is putting into place 'controlled opposition'.

He alleges the TGA is hiding info about vaccine related deaths and adverse reactions.

Brown and fellow patriots have started The Australia Project which he states is about maintaining the sovereignty of all Australians.
They can be found on Telegram at

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