Albany Pak'nSave Sunday 22 August 2021

3 years ago

My Sunday afternoon shop at Pak'n'Save Albany went much smoother than I expected. The security lady at the entrance was a no-nonsense type and didn't want to know that I didn't have to produce an exemption card and just asked to see it. Even though I was prepared for an argument at the door I was quite tired after a full on week with protests and cop confrontations that I just decided to flash the card. There was no argumant, only a caution to be mindful of other shoppers who might be anxious of someone not wearing a mask and that was it. Once inside the store, there were no Karens to hassle me and in fact everone I encountered from staff and other shoppers were all quite relaxed and had a few brief conversations that were chilled and pleasant. One thing though, I was the only shopper not wearing a mask in the 40 minutes or so I was there.

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