18 month Update - High Dose Opiate and Benzo Withdrawal Hell - Healing Happens! #WorldBenzoDay

3 years ago

Happy World Benzo Awareness Day #WorldBenzoDay - 18 month update from 1st video "High Dose Opiate and Benzo Withdrawal A Journey Through Hell" where I discussed my experience coming off a large amount of opiates (oxycodone and fentynal) and benzos (lorazepam or ativan and temazepam). I am happy to say I am nearly 100% recovered!

World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day, July 11 2020-


CBD- jackslightwithin (at) yahoo (.) com
Use Code JLW to get 10% off

Benzos in the news-
Lisa Li ng on benzo withdrawal - https://vimeo.com/364698775?fbclid=IwAR3B31W5asKVRS7FiW1Bkc5_Q0stEo33RgOTLgIFWoZwEPfaaRw2w1BPe0U
Jordan Peterson Interview - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLWgVpmo1e0
Medicating Normal - https://medicatingnormal.com/

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