Living During the Tribulation Part 5: Hell from Above

3 years ago

The Christians are excited as they have been sealed against the coming trumpet judgments. The World Federation at this time is in great shape. The economy is booming, destroyed cities have been rebuilt, and people have enough money live lavishly and embrace debauchery.

When the opening salvo strikes, the earthquake catches everyone by surprise. This is followed by catastrophic fires, oceans of blood, contaminated rivers and lakes, partial darkness, a devastating war that kills one-third of humanity, and the release of creatures from the bottomless pit that attack and hurt those with the embedded microchip.

The excruciating pain is so great that many attempt suicide, but to their horror, every effort fails and they have to live with the constant torment for five months. Meanwhile, the Christians live unmolested in the wilderness areas, watching the destruction being forced upon the World Federation, and eagerly awaiting the second coming of Jesus.
Sermon Outline

Hell from Above
Living During the Tribulation Part 5
AUGUST 9, 2020 RLJ-1768

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