As the Church Goes, so Goes the Nation!

3 years ago

In Panama City Beach and Bay County Florida, we have had some flooding by Tropical Storm Fred, all the down and dirty. A touch of State News from Florida with a dash of things to help society. We are always wanting to strengthen the family unit. Listen closely men.

On the National Front…

The woke Board of Realtors in Minnesota has decided that Master Bedroom is raciest, and might offend someone. Really. Well there goes Master Chef, Master Plumber, Master Locks. And lets not forget, “Whats in Your Wallet”.

Have you notice that the woke movement, the cancel movement, critical race theory, the 1619 Project and Antifa all have the same goal… To destroy this country and the Christian Church.

Any honest and reasonable thinking person, if being honest, hast to admit that as the Church goes, so goes the nation. And it certainly appears that there is an orchestrated, concerted effort to destroy the Christian Church.

The latest debacle of our nation on the international stage, hello Afghanistan. And the “out of Joint’ Chiefs of Staff.

Can you see it clearly. It’s plain as day. It’s Marxism in America. My recommended reading list.
The Gift that keeps on giving. Brought to you by Lord Fauci, and his team directly from Wuhan China.

And we should not ignore the special gift wrapping that the Democratic Party has provided. Racism, You just that it was dead, but, wait the Dems have had it on life support, for such a time as this. Someone said, “enjoy the ride”. Question is, Are you just going to go along for the ride, or are you going to get out of the bus and stand with fellow Americans. Enough is enough.

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