DNA Hive-Mind - AI 5G - Explanation for Mass-Zombies?

3 years ago

DNA Frequency Bioweapon Links Targeted Individuals to Artificial Intelligence Hive Mind Control Grid

Well, as far out as it is - it would certainly explain why everyone seems to be mind-wiped right now. Who knows how far they have got with technology - I'm only just discovering how advanced they've been for decades and that they can be the size of particles blind to our eyes - so could be in our food and water and air already.

(... and vaccines going back how long?)

I know they are up to something, Something has corrupted the entire planet at the same time, and I don't know if something 'like' this technology is being used on the planet right now for controlling people, turning people against each other, becoming disconnected and unable to think beyond the message... we're already seeing a hive-mind.

Is it nuts that I'm considering something like this as a plausible answer as to why everyone is acting like zombies? No longer questioning? Just blind to everything going on around them and obediently holding out their arms to something they know nothing about? Without even researching it? And lining up their kids and pregnant women without even knowing long-term effects? Wearing masks outdoors? Not even researching how the virus supposedly works?

Literally the most plausible bloody explanation I've seen in a while - I thought it was fear and mind-manipulation from lazy conditioned people - now I'm wondering if there's some sort of technology involved in it... something to look into anyway - let's see how advanced they are..

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