2020 JUL 12 Dr Matt Shelton Covid 19 Vaccine they will come after your children

3 years ago

Why are Australians and New Zealanders are, Protesting Lockdowns and Vax Rollout? HERES WHY

Some truth from Dr Matt Shelton before the cancel culture goes after him and Wikipedia attempts to discredit him too.


From Lawyer SUE GREY 2021 AUG 22 8:06 AM via post Facebook Sue Grey

Subject: The New Zealand Government has just lowered the age requirement for "self-consent" for the Covid 19 vaccine, to 12 YEARS OF AGE.

Dear New Zealand parents.

This is crucial information you must be aware of.

The New Zealand Government has just lowered the age requirement for "self-consent" for the Covid 19 vaccine, to 12 YEARS OF AGE.
That means that irrespective of your thoughts and viewpoints (and perhaps many hours of research) as a parent....

Your 12-year-old child can override this, to consent to receive this vaccine.

This is highly likely to occur in a school setting, as schools are being used as vaccine hubs.

Do you feel your 12 year old has the knowledge to understand that:
*their risk of peri and myocarditis (heart damage) is raised up to 2,500% with this vaccine.

*this is a provisionally consented vaccine, and our government is still awaiting safety data including the unknown potential for: fertility problems; auto immune disease; and any long term health implications.
*Israeli, UK and USA adverse reaction data bases have thousands of reports of adverse reactions (some of them permanent injury); and hundreds of post vaccine deaths, from this vaccine.

Does your child also understand that their risk of death from Covid is 1 death per million head of children?

Do they understand that the NZ government is encouraging children to be vaccinated, not because they are endangered by the Delta variant...
but rather because our Government has a policy of "zero Covid" and the mistaken belief that vaccinating our children will help them achieve it (this despite UK, USA and Israel governments acknowledging that it is impossible to reach herd immunity with this vaccine, as it does NOT prevent infection or transmission of Covid).





Copied from Lawyer Sue Greys Page https://www.facebook.com/sue.grey.9469

Some truth from Dr Matt Shelton before the cancel culture goes after him and Wikipedia attempts to discredit him too.

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