Queen Of All Promises - The Moon Landing

3 years ago

A year ago, August 28, this video was published. Year after year after president after president... the bull just keeps on coming. The hoax, deception, money-sucking pro-grammy holly-woodie lies are not going to quit.

It was July 20, 1969 when the AssHoleNots NEVER landed on the moon. Y'all gonna die with the lie? Buzz let it slip, to a little girl.

Will Biden's brain-boondoggle pick up on this trail and pull together another moronic promise? I think not... But fear not, Musky & Bozo are going to duke it out. Hey, boys, stay away from helium... it's very explosive!

Look at the "ISS" interior... The wires, switches, hoses, cords and all manner of crap look like an easy way to bump into something "really important" and blow up the staged set...

Bullshitters NEVER stop lying! It must be in their UmmDNA. Can't wait until they send all of these liars beyond "Low Earth Orbit"!

Please, Rumble with me...

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