Former US Comptroller General, David Walker: Will America still be a superpower in 2040?

3 years ago

America is at a critical crossroads both internationally and domestically, according to today's guest. The plain and simple truth is America's future is "at risk".

In his new book, America in 2040, author David Walker asks: Will we still be a superpower?

It depends on many things, but we must get our house in order. Walker says current international and domestic policy paths need to be reviewed and revised.

The book is designed to show us a way forward to create a better life for current and future generations of Americans.

Joining me today is the author of the book, America in 2040: Still a superpower? and former US Comptroller General, David Walker.

America in 2040: Still a Superpower? A Pathway to Success

Comeback America: Turning the Country Around and Restoring Fiscal Responsibility

#superpower #books #nationaldebt

Tampa Dispatch

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