05 of 11 Dr Mike Yeadon, Explains to his Critics, Why he is Pro Health and NOT Anti-Vax

3 years ago

Dr Michael Yeadon, Former Pfizer VP On the Dangers Of mRNA Vaccines & the COVID Illusion

Taylor Hudak (Independent Journalist) interviews Dr Mike Yeadon phD Research Scientist Ex Pfizer

Biochemistry and Toxicology Researched Based PHD in Respiratory Pharmacology

I have broken this down to small punchy segments of information. If you want the no nonsense answers to specific questions check out the 11 key questions the Independent Journalist brilliantly composed for the highly respect Ex Pfizer Chief, Dr Michael Yeadon.

You can watch the full running episode with Taylor here
Also https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/category/taylor-hudak/

Alternatively, please find your direct area of concern by watching the 11 episodes I have reproduced here.

(Please show me some love)

Topics covered:-
• Blood Clots
• How Deadly Covid_19
• Why the mRNA Jab is LESS SAFE
• mRNA is Human Experiment
• 10m UK Children Next to participate
• Who Should Say NO to taking it
• Explains to his Critics, Why he is Pro Health and NOT Anti-Vax
• evidence is found in the Sars Virus of 2003
• Is Covid_19 a Plandemic
• why Asymptomatic Transmission of Covid NOT POSSIBLE
• Jab Passports will be the End Of Democracy
• Variants Will Not Fool Your Immune System

• Variants are not alarming the corona viruses are 99.7% identical to each other but in 16 months the virus has changed but only 00.3%.

Immunologists tracked down a number of people who had the 2003 corona virus. They volunteered blood samples so tests could be done to see if their T cells (The human immune response system) recognised the Sars Cov 2 virus and they did. The 'T cells' lit up when they came in contact with the virus they remembered it and therefore knew how to neutralise the virus. However, Dr Yeadon explains this is not surprising as they are so close in their structure. Why would you believe anyone who tells you there are new variants when a 00.3% change is insufficient to fool the human immune system.

Dr Yeadon says we are being lied to they are using the disguise of a virus to introduce a vaccine passport. We should REJECT and fight this ideology, we will become slaves.

Here is the running order for now all found on my pages at rumble.

01 of 11 Consultancy Extracts, Dr Mike Yeadon, Why the mRNA Jab is LESS SAFE

02 of 11 Consultancy Extracts, Dr Mike Yeadon, Explains the mRNA Jab and Blood Clots

03 of 11 Consultancy Extracts, Dr Mike Yeadon, Confirms mRNA is Human Experiment and why we need to stop 10m UK Children Next to participate

04 of 11 Consultancy Extracts, Dr Mike Yeadon, Explains the mRNA JAB and Who Should Say NO to taking it

05 of 11 Consultancy Extracts, Dr Mike Yeadon, Explains to his Critics, Why he is Pro Health and NOT Anti-Vax

06 of 11 Consultancy Extracts, Dr Mike Yeadon, Explains Covid_19 Variants are NOT a threat the evidence is found in the Sars Virus of 2003

07 of 11 Consultancy Extracts, Dr Mike Yeadon, Gives His Views to the question Is Covid_19 a Plandemic

08 of 11 Consultancy Extracts, Dr Mike Yeadon, Evidence why Asymptomatic Transmission of Covid NOT POSSIBLE

09 of 11 Consultancy Extracts, Dr Mike Yeadon, Pleads with you to avoid the Jab Passports will be the End Of Democracy

10 of 11 Consultancy Extracts, Dr Mike Yeadon, Explains Variants Will Not Fool Your Immune System

11 of 11 Consultancy Extracts, Dr Mike Yeadon, Examines How Deadly Covid_19 is and how much fear is being generated by the MSM

Check back for more like this. Dr Sacharit Bhakdi Series next


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