Armageddon - Herbert W Armstrong - Radio Broadcast

3 years ago

Armageddon - Herbert W Armstrong - Radio Broadcast

Time is running out! Armageddon is closer day by day, and it's not too many days off now. Troubles, even wars between nations are increasing all the time. It may have a great deal to do with plunging this world into the nuclear World War III, and that's going to end this civilization. Just how near are we to the nuclear World War III right now? Are we in the last days? I've mentioned a booklet several times recently; let me mention it once again: 'Are We In The Last Days?' now. That's a booklet; 'Are We In The Last Days?' Write in for your copy. I probably will forget to announce that at the close of this program, but you write in for it if you don't already have it.

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