Biden's Afghan Debacle- Special FINAL 2 hr Friday News Roundup Before Moving to Brighteon.TV!

3 years ago

On tonight's FINAL 2 hour weekly news round-up with Resistance Chicks before moving to What could cause the media unite to against a guy with obvious dementia, who they practically carried on a gurney into the White House? Is this another CIA op on the American people? Are Joe's handlers using Afghanistan as an excuse to set Joe up for a big fall? Someone is writing those speeches and giving Joe talking points. Biden is fumbling and bumbling through interviews and is either lying at press conferences or is so mentally incapacitated that he doesn't know what he is saying.

Today when asked by a reporter about Americans still struggling to get to the airport in Kabul, Biden said "there are no Americans struggling to get to the airport", which is patently false and widely reported otherwise.

The FBI has shot down the conspiracy that the J-6 incident was preplanned, after reporting questioning the FBI's own role in stoking the flames with undercover infiltrated agents. Thousands of hours of capitol police body cam footage is still being withheld from defendants.

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