NZ Doctor - Look beyond the "Safe & Effective Mantra" and ask some questions.

3 years ago

New Zealand Doctor - Dr Alison Goodwin - Inappropriate & Unethical to rollout a medical procedure to the whole population of New Zealand particularly a new procedure that is still in clinical trials.

It's also inappropriate & unethical to force a medical procedure under coercion. To be fully-informed, you need to know the following things:

1. It's a new technology that hasn't been used before
2. It's still in clinical trials until 2023
3. It's only got provisional consent
4. Pfizer has no liability
5. There's no long-term safety data
6. It's not been studied in pregnancy or in the frail elderly.
7. There are covid treatments
8. The monitoring of adverse reactions is not adequate
9. We're not all at high risk of catching covid-19, some of us are already immune

Those of us who are under 60 and otherwise healthy, are at minimal risk from catching covid-19, and the risks of the vaccine are likely to outweigh any benefits.

Look beyond the "Safe & Effective Mantra" and ask some questions.

Listen to some of the doctors & scientists out there that have a different view that have been censored off the internet.

At medical school, 3 principles were ingrained into me
1. First, do no harm
2. The right to informed consent
3. The right to decline a medical treatment

If there are medical colleagues watching, I would ask that you remember these 3 principles. Stand up and defend your patients rights to fully-informed consent and the right to decline medical treatment.
If more New Zealand doctors don't start defending these rights, I'll be ashamed to call myself a doctor.

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