Manta Marathon Race Day

3 years ago

The marathon start time was 5:00 am. 3 groups started about 3 or 4 minutes apart. Approximately 1300 people participated in the 3 events. The first group at the start was the 42k runners, then the 21k runners and last the 10k runners. I was actually out in the middle of the 10k runners, however since all times were calculated by a foot chip it didn't really matter when you started. Your time was from the time you initially crossed the start line until you crossed the finish. I was hoping to break 2 hours for my time. My official time was 2:01:09. In hind sight I started too far back with a lot of traffic to work through the first 2k. However in looking at my pace it didn't cost me much time but it did cost energy due to weaving through the crowd, rather than running a straight efficient line. The first 12k of the race was completely flat. 12k was the point I was handed the drink by my wife. Through this point I was ahead of pace and feeling ok. The next 9k had 2 long uphill grades and several shorter more steep hills. If you look at my pace chart you can see the elevation profile at the bottom of the graph in gray. Overall it was a great experience. Barring injury next year I think I can easily improve on my time. Today is Aug, 20th and I am taking my first easy run post half marathon. Anyone that's interested in my videos let me know. I initially just started this as a hobby and didn't want to spend time and money unless it seemed to be of interest to people. I know the quality is poor, however with the small interest in the videos I may discontinue or at least reduce the videos to 1 a week. If I start to get more viewership I would upgrade my camera and editing software to make it better quality.

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