Another Fallen Embassy. Again Democrats Ignore An Act of War.

3 years ago

Carter, Obama, and now Biden have the dubious record of deliberately and coldly abandoning Americans. Now liberals did this as part of the campaign to demoralise Americans. To have you so tired of war, feeling unable to win, and ashamed of your country. You should be ashamed of every cowardly liberal. They think so highly of themselves. They do anything to destroy you and the country just because the left has the almightly delusion they can create a new world out of the ashes of the old. Many brave people fought and won. But three failures stand out in Afghanistan. The first is failure to plan. Second failure to kill the enemy, liberal policy of wound/capture doesn't work against true believers. America failed to learn from the past. Results in Germany were unique to Germany. Most Germans were not true believers, only trying to survive a brutal government. America executed most of the "true believers." Third, failure to create a stable nation. On paper, more people fleed Afghanistan than fought for the Taliban. On paper, more people fought the Taliban than supported it. But so many were so comfortable. They didn't do anything to stop the Taliban. The corruption comes from aid packages, aid to fight criminality, and the liberal double standard of letting your enemies thrive. Liberals allowed the Taliban to thrive both inside and outside Afghanistan. Calling Pakistan an ally is a joke. There is not our ally. Many people hate us, the government works against us, and they constantly demand money from us, which they shared with the Taliban to ensure the money continues. Liberals are happy to let it happen because it means they have another method to transfer money from the US to themselves via NGOs, big government, and big defence contracts. Liberalism is the cause of global instability. The UN wastes billions a year on mass migration. Its goal is to spread Islam throughout the west in a slow but steady state, so the white population is not a majority in any nation. BLM has stated their goal is the complete take over the UK by 2050. Marxist groups have stated an end to the white majority in the US will occur within a decade. Liberals are committing genocide, and all you can do is want to feel comfortable. The feel of Afghanistan wanted comfort too, and for twenty years, happy to have someone else fight. Now the Taliban plucks them off one by one, thanks to Biden leaving a treasure trove of documents behind in the US embassy. How long before Chinese spies are inside another US embassy?
#fightback #trumpwon #boogerbiden #climatehoax #thegreatawakening

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