Turkish Angora Cats 101 : Fun Facts & Myths

3 years ago

In today's video, we are going to talk about some interesting facts and myths about the Turkish Angora Cat.

A sweet, quiet cat, the Turkish angora is loyal and affectionate but can also become upset by sudden changes in her environment. Once the Turkish Angora gets an idea into his head, it can be difficult to change his mind about how he should behave, but he is so charming that you probably won’t care.

With their high intelligence and gorgeous white fur, it’s easy to see why the Turkish Angora is a national treasure in their home country.

It’s no secret that cats were highly valued among the great civilizations. Turkey even consolidated a breed we know today as the Turkish Angora cat.

Here are some of the interesting facts about the Turkish Angora Cat, which will give you some further insight into its characteristics and temperament.

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