Boa constrictor rescued from trafficking has impressive iridescence

3 years ago

Rainbow Boas (Epicrates sp.) are known for their iridescent scales which refract light and create a rainbow-colored effect and make people want to have them as pets. The snake in the video, however, is a Boa constrictor, also known as Red-tailed Boa or Common Boa, a species that doesn't normally present such iridescence (and have very different patterns from the Rainbow Boas). Of course that this makes it much more valuable and this beautiful animal became another victim of the wildlife traffic. Thankfully, it was lucky enough to be rescued and taken to a Wildlife Refuge!

Their color can vary depending on the area, being generally brown, gray, or cream, with brown or reddish-brown saddle patterns that are more pronounced towards the tail. The coloration serves as camouflage, making them blend into their habitats. They can inhabit a wide variety of environments, from tropical rainforests to arid semidesert country, but prefer the humidity and temperature of the rainforest, as well as its natural cover from predators, and abundant prey. They are usually found along rivers and streams, as they are excellent swimmers, although prefer to stay on land.

The boa constrictor is a nocturnal, semi-arboreal snake, being more arboreal when it's young and becoming mostly terrestrial as they grow.

Individuals from Central America tend to be aggressive when disturbed than those from South America, hissing loudly and striking repeatedly. Although it has a painful bite, it is generally not dangerous to humans.

The illegal wildlife trade is the third most valuable illicit commerce in the world, losing only to drugs and weapons. That, along with loss of habitat by deforestation, fires, etc., result in an enormous amount of animals in need of rescuing. Only 1 in 10 animals survive trafficking! Do not support the wildlife trade! Animals are not products and should be free!

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