Catherine Austin Fits on HighWire - MUST WATCH

3 years ago

This woman is just AMAZING! I've watched her for years. Whistle blower from HUD, back in the day...

She has so much VALUALBLE information in this particular video. Jump in it, get going... Time is running out.

I've never been in WallyWorld, COSTCO, NONE OF THEM! I've been banking with a local bank for decades. I'm very far from wealthy, but I can butcher a rabbit, render lard and make jerky.

If you can't afford to go to a truly local store (none of the above are "LOCAL"), rethink your spending habits. Make your own latte, mc-muffin... Support truly local, small restaurants. Shun grandiose monsterTV junkfood. Get a vehicle you can fix easier, cheaper. Hometown mechanics can fix.

Reduce electronic interference in your home! Do you really need a device that talks to you or tells you what to do & when? Talk to your spouse, children. Educate yourselves/family with real world knowledge. Make it fun. Get books! Older encyclopedias, Thesaurus. Old maps. Wicky wicks away truth.

Bix boxes mainly buy overseas, ship it and call it a "local business", "part of the community". Really? Do you know where that food comes from? What's been done to it? Added to it. Do you work for them? If the phood they ship stops being shipped, what will you do?!

Find local farmer/butchers. Yes they're more expensive, but you'll know where the meat comes from, what they eat, how they're handled. Do these things before we lose ALL our farmers to the Gates, et al. Stand with them. Farmer/Ranchers are being shut down faster than you can say GMO CORNYCORN! The Bundy's are the last one standing in their state!!! About 50 GONE!!

Begin a business. Become a seamstress, shoe maker, small farmer, build greenhouses for neighbors, toy maker... Raise chickens (eggs, meat), Rabbits... Learn to butcher them. Sell or give away, to the needy, what you can't eat. Meet your neighbors.

Friday is CASH day! Do it. If a business refuses cash, refuse their products. We must protect ourselves from invisible “money”… digits & electronic “bits”. Invisible money can be shut off at ANY time.

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