Trevor Bauer's Big Win in Court PROVES the Allegations Were Weak & It Was a Shakedown

3 years ago

Trevor Bauer: 1
Lindsey Hill: 0

There was never a hope of a shakedown, the Bauer team made that crystal clear as the trial was starting up. They would not settle, they would not concede any ground to these baseless allegations. Their steadfast approach paid off.

As the trial progressed, Shawn Holley, Bauer's Lawyer, pulled no punches (JOKES) while questioning Lindsey Hill about the validity of her claims and she predictably folded like a cheap suit.

The Judge rendered her decision today. To be honest, it was shocking to see one go up for the good guys. Perhaps the Justice System is still alive and well, but there's still the MLB to contend with.

As for right now, the Judge has decided that Hill's claims have no bases and her 'fear' of reprisal from Bauer is unfounded, so the attempt to obtain a 5-Year Restraining Order against Trevor was dismissed and so to any hopes of the $50 Million payoff she texted Bauer. She's a hilarious broad.

Big ups go to Judge Dianna Gould-Saltman for hating on lying hoes.

East Bay Times:
USA Today:|11

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