Ritual ETX Wine of the Week - Stag's Leap Wine Cellars Artemis Cabernet Sauvignon

3 years ago

Ritual ETX Wine of the Week - Stag's Leap Wine Cellars Artemis Cabernet Sauvignon
Available at these Ritual ETX Fave's
Dakota’s Tyler @dakotasintyler
Mario’s Tyler @MariosItalianTyler
Prime 102 Tyler @Prime102Tyler
V’s Steakhouse Gun Barrel @Vscedarcreek
High Hill Farm Overton @HighHillFarm
Rick’s on the Square Tyler @RicksOnTheSquare
Switch Palestine @switchbrickoven
Judd’s Longview @juddsdowntown

Music by Hooksounds.com

#RitualETX #WineOfTheWeek #StagsLeapWineCellars #Artemis #CabernetSauvignon #Wine #RedWine #NapaValley #ETX #EastTexas #TylerTX #LongviewTX #OvertonTX #PalestineTX #GunBarrelCityTX

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