Bashing 101: Class Is In Session August 19, 2021

3 years ago

Bashing 101: Class Is In Session August 19, 2021

Today's Focus: August 19, 2021: Again, America & Americans' are last. $3.5 Trillion & $1.3 Trillion dollar budgets have a poison pill, blanket 8,000,000 illegal alien amnesty. SC Congressman Clyburn, The democratic Whip, who put Biden on the map, is whipping congress back into early session next week. The influx of unvetted Afghani refugees began while tens of thousands of American citizens are left stranded in Afghanistan, they're potential hostages. Trump called for immediate resignation of Resident Buyden, first time in history a former President (and legitimately elected President) called for the resignation of a Resident in Chief . I have more evidence that Resident Buyden handed over our country to The CCP. More DC false flags too.

Our military needs to wake up instead of being woke! They MUST respond to the coup led by the CCP & all the collaborators from Private Business, Bureaucrats, American Politicians, George Soros, General's Austin & Milley. Austin & Milley must be court marshalled forthwith & tried for treason.

And of course: What are we not hearing? Election fraud, sabotage, treason, bribes, scandal, human trafficking, destruction of institutions & the extinction of the American dollar. Let not your hearts be troubled, AZ results are coming soon! I review more Headlines in this rapid news cycle.

So, What Are They Not Saying?
*3rd Hour: I aired the entire Parable from Professor Clements from Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium.

Watch my past episode to see The Deep Rig in its entirety.

Governor Bill Lee's Executive Order to Implement FEMA Camps in Tennessee.

📌 Religious Exemption form, signed by my Pastor Greg Locke: Pennie Fay

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